Wednesday 22 June 2016

Brexit and Nigerians in the UK

One sad fact I have always known have been confirmed by this #brexit campaign. A good number of Nigerians in addition to being rabid tribalists are also quite racist and xenophobic as well.

A lot of the Nigerian Leavers, claim that the Eastern Europeans are taking all 'their' jobs and working for lower wages. In the past few days I have heard Nigerians describe Eastern Europeans as destitute, criminals, refugees, pick pockets and wait for it, fraudsters. Their whole rhetoric is based on the fact that they see the Europeans as competition and want them out of their way.

The annoying thing is that these were the same description that were used by the indigenous population on the early migrants and we are quite happy to use it on others simply because we are more settled than they are. 

I personally will be voting Remain because I believe Britain will be better economically and I believe that migration has contributed 'net  positively' to the prosperity of the UK.

For those who think the lot of Nigerians in Britain will be better off if all the European migrants leave, all I can say is that "Today UKIP came for them, tomorrow they will come for you"


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