Thursday, 23 June 2016

Nigerian Born Migrant voting IN

As a Nigerian Born Migrant in Britain, today I will be voting to REMAIN in the European Union.

My personal convictions and politics have always been Left of Centre Liberal and so naturally I will gravitate towards remain. However in this case, my decision is based mainly on capitalist leanings. Britain is a more prosperous country being a member of the EU and leaving will have a telling effect on the economy in the short term and possibly the long term. Yes, Britain will survive outside the EU and have done so for over a thousand years but if given a choice between merely surviving and economic prosperity most rational people will choose the latter.

Immigration has been of 'Net Benefit' to the economy of the U.K. The leavers will tell you that immigrants from the EU undercut the indigenous population on wages. The inconvenient truth is that these lower wages helps British companies to remain competitive against cheaper imports. Lower wages means lower cost of production all other factors remaining constant. Without these lower wages, a lot of British industries will fold up and the economic benefits will be lost. Have we forgotten just a few years ago when we lived in 'outsourced' Britain? In the short term, if these migrants leave, wages will probably increase for a few. It will increase to a point that the companies can no longer afford these wages and probably be forced to close. What next? Import these same goods from abroad, most probably the EU?

Another argument is that Britain pays a big price to sustain the EU. They say £350m a week before rebates of about 66%. On the surface this looks like a very big price to pay and could be spent on better things. Let's look at this from a purely business point of view. These payments are a necessary investment, the U.K. invests these payments in building its main trading market. It's worth noting that the EU is Britain's biggest trading partner. The payments are used to develop its market, a more prosperous Europe means a high net worth market that Britain can leverage upon. It's no coincidence that the biggest economies and exporters like Germany and France are also the largest net contributors.

For the above reasons and more I am IN.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Brexit and Nigerians in the UK

One sad fact I have always known have been confirmed by this #brexit campaign. A good number of Nigerians in addition to being rabid tribalists are also quite racist and xenophobic as well.

A lot of the Nigerian Leavers, claim that the Eastern Europeans are taking all 'their' jobs and working for lower wages. In the past few days I have heard Nigerians describe Eastern Europeans as destitute, criminals, refugees, pick pockets and wait for it, fraudsters. Their whole rhetoric is based on the fact that they see the Europeans as competition and want them out of their way.

The annoying thing is that these were the same description that were used by the indigenous population on the early migrants and we are quite happy to use it on others simply because we are more settled than they are. 

I personally will be voting Remain because I believe Britain will be better economically and I believe that migration has contributed 'net  positively' to the prosperity of the UK.

For those who think the lot of Nigerians in Britain will be better off if all the European migrants leave, all I can say is that "Today UKIP came for them, tomorrow they will come for you"


Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Master Your Mouth

Once an old man spread rumours that his neighbour was a thief. As a result, the young man was arrested. Days later the young man was proven innocent. After being released he sued the old man for wrongly accusing him.
In the court the old man told the Judge: “They were just comments, didn’t harm anyone.” The judge told the old man: “Write all the things you said about him on a piece of paper. Cut them up and on the way home, throw the pieces of paper out. Tomorrow, come back to hear the sentence.”
Next day, the judge told the old man: “Before receiving the sentence, you will have to go out and gather all the pieces of paper that you threw out yesterday.”
The old man said: “I can’t do that! The wind spread them and I won’t know where to find them.”
The judge then replied: “The same way, simple comments may destroy the honour of a man to such an extent that one is not able to fix it. If you can’t speak well of someone, rather don’t say anything.”
Moral: Let’s all be masters of our mouths, so that we won’t be slaves of our words.
Good day !!!